Today is a sad day in our family, as we should have been rejoicing the birth of a new baby girl. This was my niece's due date. Instead little Merida died during the beginning of the 5th month of pregnancy. No reason that anyone can see; she was perfectly formed when they forced the delivery back in June. It is impossible to understand. My niece has been taking it very hard, which is totally understandable. We live a great distance apart so I have been limited in the support I can offer. My thoughts and prayers have been with her and her family every single day. But on this hardest of all days I wrote a poem for Merida and posted it on my niece's Facebook wall.


There were no cries
Never got to look into her eyes
Held only for a little while
She was born too soon.

We ask the question why
Barely had time to say good-bye
She was perfect in every way
She was born too soon.

Missed every single day
The heartache won’t go away
For the daughter, sister, niece
She was born too soon.

Now rocked by angels above
Our hearts are filled with love
Gone but never forgotten
She was born too soon.